September 2013

HEARTLAND at the Art Gallery of South Australia closes on September 8. Be quick to avoid missing out on this wonderful snapshot of contemporary South Australian art!

Almost 35 000 people have already visited the exhibition, including 5000 school children.

HEARTLAND has received excellent reviews nationwide. Here are several reviewer’s thoughts on Kim’s piece:

“Kim Buck … has created a memorable, superbly executed work which not only draws us in from a distance but also repays close scrutiny” – Margot Osborne, Art Monthly Australia

“Kim Buck’s work is extraordinary for it’s technique and what it delivers: drawing in which the graphite produces a highly photographic effect but as if the photo were deliberately or casually overexposed, or had tones dropped out: scenes reporting figures in a sere, bleached light, sand dunes, and a sense of abandon, that can read as happy or slightly tearful. But recognizably Australian and South Australian. Buck’s work has the precious, fugitive quality of fading, deteriorating moving film when screened. The drawing is so minutely accurate that it reads as photographic—but it is undoubtedly selecting, heightening something the mechanical device couldn’t or wouldn’t and on which is built the pictures’ strange effect. They are drawn with charcoal pencil on cartridge paper: heightened blacks, and the bleached white of detail left out, suggested but also reading emotionally as absence, buffeting wind and sea-spray, blown sand, the bodies recumbent in a way that acquiesces to light, gravity, landform.” – Ken Bolton